Work With Dr. Sarah

Sleep Solutions for Toddlers 2 - 3 Years Old

Your toddler is growing and changing all the time. The toddler years are a period of big transitions for your little one, and that means they need quality rest and sleep now more than ever. We’ll work together with your two-or-three-year-old to break bad sleep habits, hone your parenting skills, and develop new ways to take the stress out of bedtime. No more frustrating negotiations with your little one, no more tearful remonstrations –– just familial bliss and great sleep for everyone in your household.

Virtual Consultation

Meet virtually with me for online sleep coaching.

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Daytime Visit

Get face-to-face advice and support during the daytime.

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Dr. Sarah Mitchell is a chiropractor by training but found her passion empowering parents to teach their little ones to sleep and parent confidently day and night.  Her personal experience with a child who wouldn’t sleep, despite her healthcare background, ignited her passion for researching sleep.  She’s been working with babies since 2013 and has helped thousands of parents overcome their sleep challenges and feel even more confident in their parenting and sleep detective skills. Located in Silicon Valley, her clientele has included big tech executives, pediatricians, labour and delivery nurses and parents just like you. Their commonality: all smart, capable, resourceful people who didn’t know how to get their babies to sleep because having a great sleeper isn’t really that instinctual.  Parenting is a skill that can be taught.

Virtual Consultation

Toddler sleeping.

Just because toddlers need sleep, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get them to sleep! Helping a toddler learn how to sleep through the night, adjust to a bed instead of a crib, and get comfortable with a new sleep schedule can be a massive challenge. Thankfully, you don’t have to face it alone. With this virtual consultation program, you’ll gain access to a childhood sleep and parenting expert who can answer your most pressing questions and address your most frustrating issues. I’ll be right there with you to monitor your progress and make any adjustments as needed!

Price: $1,597

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Who it's for

Any parent who wants to help their toddler get more restful sleep on a consistent basis.

What You’ll Overcome

Common toddler sleeping problems like irregular naps, nap resistance, night waking and not staying in their own bed all night long.


Better sleep, happiness, and wellness for your little one and whole family. Regain your confidence by successfully helping your toddler get the sleep they need without the fuss.

Work With Me

Daytime Visit

Toddlers take cues from your behavior and your home environment. The good news is that you can take action to help them become a more independent and restful sleeper as a result. By scheduling a daytime visit with a childhood sleep and parenting expert, I’ll evaluate your sleep environment and family interactions to help you optimize them for healthy sleep habits. I’ll help you make key alterations that will defuse sleep-related tension and allow your toddler to achieve peaceful rest now and in the future.

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Who it's for

Any parent who wants to improve their parenting skills, their child’s sleep environment, and build better sleep habits ASAP.

What You’ll Overcome

Eliminate arguments with your little one, help them adjust to a new bed and bedtime routine, and prevent irregular sleep patterns that negatively affect everyone under your roof.


First hand advice and support from an expert who will help you build a custom sleep plan for your family.

Work With Me